A sculpture shown at the Nirox Winter Sculpture Exhibition in 2014. Now in permanent position at Nirox. This artwork explores the relationship between certainty and uncertainty, what is know and unknown, structure and possibility - and what happens when a balance of the two polarities is struck.
‘Rise’ 2014. Stainless steel, etching solvent and pigment. 300cm x 200cm x 200cm.

A solo exhibition at the Everard Read Gallery Johannesburg in 2013. Critique written by Kim Alcock.
‘The series, Latent Green, recognises that the ability of a tree to extract energy from sunlight through the process of photosynthesis, already exists in the seed (that compact dot of potential), before it germinates and breaks through the ground. For this reason, the leaves on the trees in each of the works in Latent Green were painted first, not as discreet leaves, but as a background of green, a field of potential.
Nicola stains the whole canvas green. Onto this she paints irregular dots using masking fluid, which is a bit like liquid latex. She then paints the whole thing white and draws the tree. The position of the branches of the tree then determines which dots of masking fluid can be removed to reveal the latent green underneath. In each work the same series of actions results in a different outcome.’
- Andre Croucamp.